The De Buyer stainless-steel bain marie cooker is a must-have for anyone working regularly with chocolate. The all-in-one unit lets you easily melt chocolate, and the internal scale shows you exactly how much you have.
The bain marie cooker is formed of a hollow chamber. Fill the chamber with water through the opening on the handle. A level-indicator shows you the maximum and minimum amount of water you can use, while a safety valve prevents the internal pressure rising too high during use.
Place chocolate, butter or other solid fats like cocoa butter and coconut oil, directly in the bain marie cooker to gently melt them. Also use for making delicate egg-based sauces like hollandaise, or zabaglione desserts!
The De Buyer bain marie cooker has a thick sandwich base that’s compatible with all cooking surfaces including induction.
Hand wash only.
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